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Categories: Love words

The Gentle Sex

What is said that a woman is a lush paradise, a shady garden, comfort, happiness, and a divine blessing... is true... and what is said that she is hell... and an everlasting torment... and toil after toil. And eternal victory.. It is also true.. And the woman will not know unless she experiences it on her two faces.. and tastes her sweet and bitter things.. and you live with her as a judge who judges her and an accused who judges you.. and her jailer and her prisoner at the same time.. And whatever is said about love between a man and a woman, it is definitely love. It is not the only emotion that links the sexes. There is also war... the constant war between the sexes... cooperation over livelihood... and rivalry over sovereignty. It is not enough for a woman to be mistress of a man’s home and a man’s heart. Rather, she wants to be mistress of his mind and thoughts. She wants to monopolize every ounce of his attention. Likewise, the man wants every idea in the head of the woman he loves to be a private idea. It is not enough for him that she prepares food for him, runs the house, and raises the children. Rather, he wants all of these things to be completed by his sign, command, and management. He wants to have control over his woman’s body, mind, and emotions. There are mutual attempts to monopolize and seize control... and the smart one rides first... each one wants to seize the reins of the other. There are other things other than love and tenderness. More important than love and tenderness. They are control and the extension of influence and power. The woman loves... and her love throws her into a whirlpool of anxiety, weakens her, subjugates her, and wastes her... and she hates herself because she loves, is weak, and belittled to this degree... and her love and hatred combine together in her behavior towards the man, so she seeks to possess him to ensure that the love she has made will not be lost... and to feel that she She deposits her money in a safe to which she has the key. The man suffers from the same situation... but his problem is greater because he realizes that losing his personality in love is at the same time a loss of his work, his worth, his value and his success in society... a man without a personality... meaning a man without manhood... without a future in anything... a final loss. .. For this reason, he is more committed to dominating, subjugating, and possessing women. The power struggle between the two generates fear, ambush, hatred, and cruelty. Each one loves and hates at the same time. He hates to be weak. He hates to submit. The result is that the relationship between the two turns into a complex relationship. We do not find that simple, clear love...but we always find a tense, contradictory, ambiguous which there is love...and in which there is hostility. For the other, each gender becomes an angel and a devil at the same time... a merciful balm... and a cruel executioner... and no one claims a claim against the other that is not his own... but the truth is that each of them... is truly an angel. And a merciful, accursed executioner... And if you do not sometimes feel the desire to insult a woman and lash out against her, and complain about her to the bricks of the earth... then you will not have understood the woman... nor will you have understood yourself... there must be a stream of kisses and slaps... for everyone to feel... He said what he had... It is necessary to have a muwashah of the original poetry added to necklaces of poetry and praise... so that the balance is balanced... and some of the talk is removed... in the opinion of the grocers... allow me, women, to criticize me even once... after... Ten years in which I devoted all my poetry collections of worship and that I could sleep reassured that I had settled my account. • The woman always talks about her loyalty to the man who left her... and then she exclaims crying... men are dogs... traitors... treacherous... and she forgets to talk about the men who were loyal to her and she betrayed them... because in most cases... she did not notice them... • All the woman’s conversations During the engagement period, her love for culture, philosophy, and thought are lies that are revealed by the facts of the first week after the wedding... when the conversations start revolving around dresses, fashion, and hairstyles... they are all in this concern alike... from doctorate holders... to middle school holders... to those with desires. .. • Do not believe that a woman’s jealousy is love, and her suspicion is love.. Rather, her jealousy is always an excuse that she uses to possess you, restrict you, and seize your freedom.. It is selfishness itself.. And the strange thing is that after she takes control of you and is reassured of your submission, she throws you into the first dustbin.. and is searched for. About others. Be careful not to let your wife own you... and be assured of your obedience... • The electric washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, and the automatic cooking pot made the wife very comfortable... and made her devote herself to plucking the feathers of the oppressive husband and his brain pain... The man should have invented an electric aspirator that would suck out his wife’s voice and chatter. Sincere advice: Rely on manual brooms, as they are useful for sweeping away bad things as well. • When a woman says to you, “Do not touch me, it is shameful.. Beware, I only know platonic passion.. I do not like that thing.. the other thing.. then in reality she is thinking about that other thing strongly.. • It is easy to find a woman every day She hates a woman and plots against her.. It is very difficult to find a woman who will be sincere in friendship and affection for another woman.. Friendship is an art invented by men alone.. • A woman is keen to have an army of children so that the number of votes that vote in her favor increases every day. • The most hateful thing in a woman’s heart is the presence of girls... because she actually does not like her own gender.. • The mother-in-law is the first intelligence service in the world.. • Women cling tightly to the company of women who are uglier than them.. • Journalism, radio, television, cinema, and spying are the best professions for women, because by nature they have She has a strong sense of smelling the news...and because she is talkative...she loves to actress...she is fond of for the professions that women are famous for being good at...such as cooking, sweeping, knitting, and fashion, they are a joke to lure husbands into the happy nest...while the truth is that the man is the master of these. Professions as well. The most skilled cooks, tailors, tailors, and fashion designers are men. And when a woman usually makes the excuse that she cannot compete with a man in his work because she does not have his muscles, she lies again. Composing does not require muscles, and yet we have not heard of a single female composer in all our lives. Philosophy does not need muscles, and yet we have not read about a single female philosopher. God did not choose prophets to carry his message. Rather, He chose prophets. Even though prophecy does not require muscles. All a prophet needs is his heart and his tongue. It is noted that if the wife is the woman of the house, her conversation always becomes a daily quarrel with the husband to allow her to work like her friends who work as nurses, teachers, and engineers. The woman must struggle, which means she must learn in order to be imprisoned at home. What is strange is that the struggling women, at the same time, have nothing to do every day other than quarreling and arguing with their husbands so that they stay at home... without work and without any money. The wives begin to cry for a maid.. You see the house.. And our hands are cut off from the work due to the rupture of the marriage and its years.. So if the husbands bring the maid, the wives begin to invent reasons to expel her.. and the rupture of the servants and their years.. One is going, her eyes are in the middle of her head. And they are asking for the caliphate.. If the caliphate does not come, he curses the husband.. And if the caliphate comes, he curses the caliphate.. And his flock of children and bringing them.. is a confusing thing.. • The wife keeps complaining to her husband about the brick of the earth, the criminal, the traitor, the traitor, the despicable one, who does not hide in it. Bread and salt... and she gets angry at her mother... and stays at her aunt's house... until the oppressive husband dies... so the wife stands at his funeral with all bravado, tearing off her clothes, loosening her hair, and making a loud noise... Oh my beauty... Oh my seventies... • I'm sorry for this brutal campaign against women. It's a seasonal campaign. Like the fifty happy couples know it.. and they need it badly sometimes.. and what are we going to do.. in the sweet sex in which we die.. and die from it.. From a book on love and life by the writer Mustafa Mahmoud
Categories: Love words
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